See also:


Leo Elbertse

Your Man for The Job


Full-time   |   Interim   |   Projects

  • Fully Responsable turn-key Administration Building 5000m2
  • Fully Responsable turn-key Administration Building 5000m2
  • B. Braun Needle Management Team
  • Trouble in Mauritania
  • Trouble Solved
  • Mauritanian Guard
  • Penang Market
  • Malaysia's 1st Flex-Pay Collective Agreement
  • Regular Feature Speaker Labour Conferences
  • Addressing Sports Night
  • Foundation Mauritania
  • Google Earth - Mauritania: My Buildings 30 years later

Hover here to see the chronological bio

China – The Logistics of Fresh Fruit & Vegetables




China in 1984 was very agricultural, however no quality foods were anywhere to be found. All my foods I imported from Hong Kong having to pay import duties along the way as well as incurring major delays where our refrigerated trucks and containers would be frequently opened to inspect the produce, more often than not resulting in below par quality by the time the goods arrived at their ultimate destination: the oil rig in the South China Sea.




Obviously, my French and American clients complained bitterly about their salads, and other fresh products and pointed out, quite rightly, that most of the fresh produce found in Hong Kong actually originated from China. China however, insisted on exporting, which is why no quality was to be found locally, not even when going to the collective farms myself.




I convinced to local customs office that they could classify sales to off-shore oil rigs as export especially since we would pay for the produce through our Hong Kong bank account.